Computer Recycling

You can contact Groot3R B.V. on telephone number 085-0640580 or by email. We are always available and can make an appointment within a minute. You can also contact us through Direct Contact.

 What do we want to know?

*  Name of the company or organisation

*  Place/address

*  Name of your contact person

*  Telephone number/email address

*  An indication of the quantity of equipment

When we have these data we can make an appointment at a time convenient to you. You can rest assured that you will be served within 2 days.

On the agreed date a driver will come to your company to collect the equipment.

We have our own transport means so you won’t have to worry about anything. The only thing we ask from you is that you show us what should be removed.

If everything has been removed to your satisfaction we ask you to sign for the transport of waste material.

The disposal document is a standardised European document proving that you had your written-off computers removed in the prescribed manner. You should keep this document for 5 years.

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