
Groot3R B.V. is now buying new or barely used ICT-related equipment to upgrade its stock. The equipment includes superfluous remainders, items from canceled orders, or returned items that do not meet clients’ expectations. The applicable rules forbid such products to be marketed as new and unused products. Apart from these items, we also buy high-quality brand ICT-equipment, which has been subject to regular company appreciation. After a minor upgrade, these items are perfectly suitable to be used again.

These items include PC’s, laptops, tablets, smart phones, and even the complete ICT systems. We perform extensive tests on these products and, if necessary, delete the entire operating system (all of the data are deleted according to the applicable legal requirements), and once the removal is complete, we install entirely new operating system. Defects, if any, are repaired as well.

In such a way, Groot3R B.V. brings high-grade ICT products on the market, and these products certainly meet all currently applicable requirements. Ready for high-quality (re) use. All of that we offer against highly affordable price.